Saturday, December 31, 2011

The end of 2011

2011 was a tough year, I'm happy to see it end. I've got high hopes that 2012 will be a better year.


Friday, December 30, 2011

The best laid plans....

If you’ve been reading my blog you know that I've established that I'm fat and broke and I want to change both. This morning I packed myself into my fat girl size 16 jeans. I'm vowing to wear real clothes every day. As a work at home (I work for a large company and am a home based account manager) person it is really easy to fall into wearing sweats or other stretchy clothing other than when I have client meetings. I have a closet full of fantastic clothes that I can’t fit into. Getting dresses for client meetings is a nightmare because nothing fits.  

Back to my long term goals.

Goal #1 – financial stability
I've been reading frugal living and financial responsibility blogs and they all say one thing - pay yourself first. Meaning put money in your savings account before you do anything else. I just discovered that my company allows me to split my paycheck. I get paid every other week, and starting 1/1 I'll be putting $25 a week into savings. By the end of November 2012 I’ll have over $1,100 in savings. I haven’t had more than $100 in my savings account since 2008. I’ve also realized that neither my hubby or I are very good with planning for the future. At the ripe old age of 46 I’m becoming wise with my money (hopefully).

Goal #2 – healthy weight
I’ve decided to take the healthy approach to weight loss, eat smaller portions of healthy food and exercise. My goal is to lose 50 pounds in 2012. Technically my goal is 1 pound a week. I also plan on incorporating one new healthy habit a week. My eating habits for the most part aren’t too bad. I don’t drink soda, eat a bunch of fried food and rarely ever eat fast food (although I’m a sucker for traditional Mexican tacos). My weakness is sweets, specifically candy and cakes. There I’ve said it…..I’m a sugar whore! Even though I eat healthy food I have a massive appetite and can shovel in enough to feed a starving nation at each meal.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Welcome to my blog

If you're reading this you're probably wondering who I am and what this blog is about. I'm a 46 year old working wife and mother who isn't in a good place financially or physically. My husband has his own business that has been hit really hard by the economy and we've been struggling financially for the past 3 years, even though I have a good job. Before 2008 we were living "high on the hog" and didn't really worry about paying our bills. Three years later - our house has gone into foreclosure, and we've had our utilities turned off more than one time. I worked with the bank and managed to secure another mortgage which 'saved' our house. A house that we can't afford to live in anymore. Each month it is a struggle to pay the mortgage and put food on the table. This year we couldn't afford to buy our kids Christmas presents. That hit me really hard and made me feel like a terrible parent. I know that its shallow of me to say that gifts equal love, because they really don't. However, I really do enjoy spoiling my kids. That’s enough about my pathetic financial issues....I'm also FAT (yes I said the F word....fat). I'm fairly tall 5'8 and am tipping the scales at 222 pounds. OMG I'm a heifer!! Before I had my kids I weighed about 145 pounds. With each pregnancy I gained 20 pounds (2 kids x 20 pounds each = 185) and over the past 3 years I've gained almost another 40 pounds.

I've decided to do something about my financial and physical 'issues' (I really hate the word issues) in 2012. This blog will document my changes.....